Beka Alpha
Search Funds, SCR

Investing in quality companies

Closed-ended vehicle for investing in SMEs in Spain, Portugal and the rest of Europe, based on the Search Fund model. It offers its investors the opportunity to invest in companies with low debt and steady growth, guided by experienced investors and in a diversified manner.

*Exclusively for professional investors.

Search Fund Model

Search Funds are vehicles created by one or two entrepreneurs who, by raising capital from a group of investors, identify, buy and manage an SME with the aim of leading its growth.

The companies analyzed fall below the traditional private equity target size. The pillars of its success are human capital, the type of companies and the purchase price.

Search Fund model
investment portfolio

Investment portfolio

The portfolio will comprise a selection of searchers and SMEs in Spain, Portugal and the rest of Europe, building on Beka AM' s extensive experience in direct investment in unlisted companies .

Diversification accross around 15 companies, with a maximum exposure of 10% per investment, is fundamental for limiting risk.‍

Portfolio companies

logo recambiofacil
cropsalsa logo
logo cartonajes limousin
amix nutrition logo

Main features

Geographical focus: Spain, Portugal and rest of Europe
Target size: 20 million euros
Minimum investment: 100,000 euros
Investment period: 4 years +1

Basic details

Structure: Private equity company
CNMV registry number: 459
ISIN: ES0141758005
Management company: Beka Asset Management, SGIIC, S.A.
Depositary: BNP Paribas Securities Services
Fund duration: 10 years +1+1