TheFoodTechLab Climate I
TFTL Foodtech Fund I

Transforming the agri-food sector with disruptive innovation

Beka AM and theFoodTechLab seal a partnership for the launch of funds aimed at early-stage companies in the agri-food sector, fostering a more sustainable and efficient production, reducing the environmental impact and optimizing the use of resources, through disruptive technologies and scalable B2B models aimed at achieving a global impact . We prioritize sectors and regions with high growth potential, using rigorous and unique due diligence and analysis to identify promising investments.

Sustainable production systems

Agriculture, the world's oldest and most vital industry, faces major global challenges. Climate change, the scarcity of resources and the urgent need for sustainable food production systems create an unprecedented demand for innovative solutions. As the world's population grows, traditional agricultural practices are increasingly insufficient to meet the growing demand for food.

"AgriFoodTech is the new High Tech." Driven by environmental and health factors, it has become the most revolutionary sector in innovation.

sustainable production systems
resilience of the agrifood sector

Ideal time to invest

As B2B technologies have reached maturity, start-ups have shown greater resilience and valuations have adjusted favorably.

Furthermore, a conducive legislative framework and an active corporate venture capital landscape create natural exit opportunities, providing a strong boost to the growth and success of companies in this field.

Expert advice

The fund is advised by TheFoodTechLab, an investment group specializing in agrifoodtech,  which boasts a team of experts from the agri-food, scientific, technological and financial industries, who provide in-depth knowledge and experience .

These capabilities help identify promising investment opportunities and provide strategic guidance to portfolio companies.

expert advice

Main features

Geographical focus: Spain, Israel, rest of Europe and UK
‍Sector: Agri-food
Target categories: Alternative proteins, health and nutrition, agrotech and circular economy
Size: 30 million euros
Type of product: Alternative fund
Minimum investment: 100,000 euros
Investment period: 4 years
Number of individual investors: 20-25

Basic details

Structure: European private equity fund (FCRE & SCR*)
CNMV registry number: 134
Management company: Beka Asset Management
Depositary: BNP Paribas Securities Services
Duration of fund: 10 years +1+1

(*) The SCR (Sociedad de Capital Riesgo) offers tax advantages to family groups, mainly in Wealth and Inheritance and Donations.